After the football players’ long summer break, it is time for them to kick back into gear. The football program has been having practices to try and get extra reps in for their pre-season, to prepare them for the season. The team had a very successful season last year, making it to the first game of playoffs, but woefully lost to Rifle, 24 to 15, in the first round. However, theirlast game won’t define who they are this upcoming season.
Eaton Reds football team’s first game is Aug. 30, against The Classical Academy, Eaton’s first home game is Sept. 7. their first few games are against good competition. They play losts of teams that are in the top five in 3A and 2A. Max Preps has this team standing at #54 in the state of Colorado.
Everyone in the community is excited for the Friday Night Lights to begin at the stadium. Cameron Stewart, the Eaton High School Varsity Football coach, said, “I’m most excited for just the unknown. This is a very new team, it’s a very young team, and so I think just kind of what the team dynamic is going to be from week to week is going to be really exciting.”
The Eaton Varsity Football team lost around 20 seniors due to them graduating last year. Some of their star players have graduated, so now it is time for the upperclassman to step into their shoes. “We have guys that have played, but not with the biggest roles. We are pretty young and really looking for our sophomore class to step in the roles, and really fill shoes, and it’s very interesting to see who steps up and who becomes the leaders vocally and by their actions,” said Stewart.
The season this year is going to hold the same traditions and superstitions to hopefully secure a state title for the Eaton Reds. For several years now, the coaching staff has had the tradition of buying each other energy drinks before every game.
“Everyone just keeps it going, and now we have a rotation to buy drinks for the week,” Stewart said.
Each and every person has their own thing they do before each game, like the coaches do. Nider said, “Before every game I walk around the football field with no shoes, so I am grounded with the field.”
Not only is the season going to be full of excitement, but the players are going to have to work to rise to the expectations of Eaton football. From the team’s superstitions to their tough competition, this season is going to be a journey of wins and losses.