Traveling worldwide is an opportunity that not many people get to experience. It opens eyes to people to explore and see what else is out there in the world and not just in the space lived in everyday. Traveling can expose people to different cultures and may open appreciation to their own space after seeing what other areas can be like.
At EHS, most students spent their break in Colorado’s cold icy weather. As for others, they spent their break time in tropical sunny areas. Junior, Railey Maske said, “Over winter break I went to Isla Mujeres, Mexico. I’ve gone there a few times and everytime we go we end up visiting the place that’s on the very end of the island. It is known as Punta Sur. It has old Mayan Ruins, some animal life, and views of the Caribbean sea. A memory I would never forget visiting the island would be going parasailing and seeing a big shark right below my feet.” The climates in Colorado were quite a change and Mexico is where lots of EHS’s students visited.
There are multiple places that EHS students have traveled to see around the world. A place with a different culture that a student has visited would be belize. Junior Gunnar Beall said, “I visited Tobacco Caye Belize. I would absolutely go back. I’ll never forget snorkeling. The culture focuses on how they greet one another and pay people back. In day-to -day life people focus on their families and relatives.” Students seeing different cultures is important so that they can perceive different aspects of others lives.
Although Colorado was snowy and cold for EHS’s winter break, there were others that got to experience different climates while being in sunny weather. Traveling can be a very important experience that opens people up to see more of the world. This can impact those that want to see more of the world to make more fun of it.