Apocalyptic actions within King Soopers

COVD-19 takes on employees


ClickList workers at Windsor King Soopers

Life as a teenager can be hard. From getting their license, managing homework, even to interviewing for their first job. Lives during COVD-19 have affected many people in the workforce, some are laid off and some have even begun new jobs.  

Logan Baker, a sixteen year old employee for Clicklist at King Soopers has experienced first hand difficulties involving COVID-19. Being an employee myself alongside Baker, we face new problems everyday. Clicklist manager Luke Vincent has recently required employees to now wear medical face masks. Baker said, “I hate them, they are uncomfortable. Some people think they are necessary but I do not.” Face masks have become more and more popular, they are all you see when you look around. 

As an employee, the hours have been reduced and customers have acted “greedy and crazy” according to Baker. When the corona virus first broke out, King Soopers shelves were empty. “To this day, we still don’t have stable shipments of toilet paper.” said Vincent. People have a mindset to where they thought they were in an apocalypse. 

On average, before COVID-19, Windsor’s King Soopers ClickList was taking 120 orders an hour. With the outbreak of this virus, a limited number of 60 orders an hour was enforced. “I didn’t have to work as hard. It wasn’t as rough of a day as it could be.” Baker said. The virus allowed easier employment as well as shorter shifts. 

Life as a worker during COVID-19 has been different. It has both negative and positive impacts upon customers and employees.  From getting a first job, to managing homework, to getting a license, COVID-19 has the widest impact among the workforce. Unemployment could be a possibility, that is frightening. From King Soopers to hospitals this is happening. It’s everywhere, COVD-19 is everywhere affecting everyone.