By Karalee Kothe
While other students played softball or ran cross country, the members of Key Club rolled up their sleeves and harvested sweet corn at Fritzler’s Corn Maze for the Weld County Food Bank on August 30. New members Amy Phillips (15), Liza Nelson (15), Sophia Inda (17), Kendall Vannest (17), and Jonni Jarnigan (17) attended along with President Sam Martinez (15), Treasurer Dalton Hamm (15), and adviser Mrs. Hall. Once volunteers pick the corn, the maze can be made. Inda said she helped out at Fritzler’s Corn Maze to be an active, new member. Inda said, “You help yourself out, too, when you do community service because it makes you feel good to do good.” Similarly, after harvesting corn for the food bank, Martinez said, “You have to help the people who can’t help themselves.” The combined efforts of Eaton Key Club along with Greeley Central Key Club resulted in around 6,000 pounds of sweet corn for the food bank. Aside from the successful community service event at the corn maze, Martinez said, “My goals this year as president are to find as many service projects as possible and help more in the local community.” Martinez plans on achieving this by volunteering at the Guadalupe Center, working concession stands, attending Key Leader, and tutoring at EES. Also, Key Club will be making socks for the Children’s Hospital and making blankets for the homeless during their meetings. This year’s Key Club is bigger than ever before, Mrs. Hall said,“We are averaging 20 people a meeting which means we might have 30 members total. With a big group like this, it will be easier to do bigger service projects in October.”