Staying on track for the next big step?

Are High School students preparing for the Next jump in life?


Whether it’s college, straight to a job, or taking a gap year students have plenty to worry about. senior year is full of many tasks that need to be completed. Here are just a few items that need to be completed: resume, references, official transcripts, and scholarships also many students have to balance a job and family issues. Scholarships have taken upwards of 1 hour to complete. On top of the past stresses, Students will hear (FAFSA) “Free Application for Federal Student Aid” very soon and will see how much money they will receive. More scholarships open up daily giving students more opportunities to pay the college tuition that most are still paying even in their 30s. Cameron Shaw (22) said, “ I have filled out about five scholarships and feel super prepared for college.” Kelly Kochevar said, “Remember to check the counseling tab on the Eaton schools website for further information on due dates, scholarship information, and important events and dates.” For student attending college, check the university e-mail for completed steps and what to do next!  For people going straight to work or taking a gap year, there is plenty to worry and think about as well. For example, location of job, the parts one needs to get the job like a resume, job experience, and more just to get another job going. Also, maintain the same growth mindset and determination after the gap year. Always remember to stay on top of this responsibility avalanche as deadlines and requirements approach rapidly.