District moves back opening day
New changes made to the 2020-21 school year schedule
Students and parents are required to register for either online or in person learning by Saturday, Aug. 1. The district sent emails out to both parents and students to ensure the count for online classes was accurate.
In addition, the district has pushed back the opening day for students to Tuesday, Aug. 18. Freshmen will come for registration and Link orientation on Monday, Aug. 17.
New orientation dates are listed below. Check emails for the district letter.
The district COVID-19 Reopening plans can be found here.
The schedule for registration is as follows:
Seniors- Wednesday, August 5
Juniors- Thursday, August 6
Sophmores- Thursday, August 6
Freshman- Monday, August 17
A copy of the letter sent to all guardians and students appears below:
Dear Eaton High School Students, Parents or Guardians,
The 2020-21 school year is rapidly approaching and we have many items to bring to your attention so we can kick off our year successfully and TOGETHER! This letter is full of important information and I encourage you to read through to the end. Thank you in advance.
It will be a welcoming time to transition back into a live learning environment at EHS. Nearly six months have passed since the students and staff have had an opportunity to to interact with one another.
We have a few new staff members joining us this year. They include:
- Mr. Tom Shannon Assistant Principal
- Ms. Allie Duncan Physical Education/Health
- Ms. Abby Welle Foreign Language/Spanish
- Ms Katy Deckard Special Education
- Ms Melanie Broadhead Paraprofessional
First things first – have you responded to the mid-July communication from our Superintendent concerning registration? We have yet to hear from approximately 39% of you and it is imperative that you let us know what your plans are for your student/s at EHS. We are hoping to see most of our students back in the building but are also offering remote learning for those families that need that opportunity. Click this link to let us know of your decision as to the plans you have settled on for your child so we can complete the classroom, remote, and transportation set up for all students.
Registration for students will be on the following dates with times posted on our website and on the attached form:
- August 5th Senior Registration
- August 6th Junior Registration a.m. and Sophomore Registration p.m.
- August 17th Freshmen Orientation
- Please review this linked document for important details and report times for each student
- Student schedules will be available to view on the student/parent portals on Tuesday, August 4th. Please comb through your schedule thoroughly to double check credit requirements, etc. Email counselors right away with any changes you are requesting. Counselors will be available at registration, but in the interest of time and crowd management, we encourage you to handle any changes ahead of that time by email. Appointments must be secured with counselors – no walk-ins, please.
As we move forward, high school students and staff will need to embrace and support the practices school employees and community members have spent the summer months creating.
- Masks will be an expectation for ALL students, staff, and guests when on school grounds. This begins with the registration process!
- Our start date for all students has been moved to Tuesday, August 18th.
- Hand sanitizers will be liberally placed in the building and extensive hand washing will be the norm.
- Social distancing will be employed in the most practical and effective fashion as possible.
- Breakfast and lunch will be served in a manner where student ID’s will be swiped by the students with adult supervision to minimize physical contact.
- Traffic flow in the building will be discussed with the students during the first day of school.
- Hall lockers will not be assigned to students the next two years as we have construction projects that will not allow for the use of lockers. Aside from that, the lockers would place the students in close proximity to each other.
- Each student will be issued a Chromebook on the first day of school. This Chromebook will stay with them until year’s end. Should we revert to remote learning later in the year, each student will be ready to go. Encourage your child to care for this device well as they/you will be liable for damage/replacement costs.
- If your child had a Chromebook issued to them this past spring, please have them return that unit so they may receive a new unit.
To streamline and minimize guests in the building throughout the year, we are asking that:
- Parents come to the building only in emergency situations, not for simple errands.
- Parents come directly to the main office pass-through window at Mrs. Carey’s desk when entering our building.
- Parents will need to call or email Mrs. Carey (970.454.3374 x501 or kcarey@eaton.k12.co.us) to excuse an absence, tardy, or early dismissal. NO paper notes, please.
- If your student is leaving early, please arrange this ahead of time or call Mrs. Carey (970.454.3374 x501) in the event of an emergency. This way we can limit the amount of parents/visitors in our building. We are trying our best to keep our students and staff safe.
We look forward to seeing our students and getting back to the business of education as we know it. If you have any questions, please call the high school office at 970-454-3374. We know this was a lengthy letter full of critical information for our impending opening. We appreciate your attention to all the details offered.
Next week you will receive communication with forms that need to be submitted for each of your children. We thank you in advance for completing those so we have a complete picture of each of our students at EHS.
The informational Principal’s Press Brief will be a continued practice every Friday capturing the events of the week and the successes of our students along with their collective accomplishments. Watch for the first edition on Friday, August 21st.
Be well, stay well, and know we look forward to seeing our students soon!
Rick Kaufman, Principal
Eaton High School
Registration Date and Times available on this link!