School: Gone Virtual

School: Gone Virtual

Online school is a completely different ball game than physically going to school. It is becoming a new normal as we are heading into the second week of school through our computers. I never would’ve thought that transitioning to online school would be such a challenge. Before we started this experience of virtual education, my mind was thinking that it would be a walk in the park. I would get to do my schoolwork in my pajamas, I could sleep in and do things when I wanted instead of having a set schedule, etc. And yeah, that may be partially true, but this is not what I was expecting the transition to be like at all. The stress is already rising and it’s not because of a specific reason, it’s everything compiled together that makes this whole situation stressful. While the workload hasn’t been as heavy as it would be in normal school, tackling the school work and getting used to the new technology and ways of communication is far from easy. Both students and teachers are getting used to going virtual and working out the kinks in their plans. Every teacher has a different way of doing online school, just like how every teacher teaches differently in their classrooms. But different ways of online school is hard to keep track of and stay organized. The teachers are learning, as we are, so it is helpful that they are all so understanding of our mistakes and issues that we are coming across during this transitional period.