Homecoming goes through time

Spirit week showcases great participation from student body


Junior boys get ready for powder puff volleyball game

Eaton Highs’ adventure through “the garden through time” started like any other homecoming week. One theme at a time. On Monday the hallways were full of hydroflasks, scrunchies, and striped long sleeves as students brought out their VSCO and Eboy side. Tuesday brought students the opportunity to represent their favorite team with the theme of jersey day. On Wednesday the grades separated into four different colors purple, pink, blue, and yellow. Thursday, the classic beach day, had boys and girls in their sunglasses and their best Hawaiian shirts. And, of course, spirit day on Friday, where the hallways became a sea of red, white, and black as the students got ready for that night’s football game.

The Red football team brought home the victory against the Bishop Machebeufs on Sep. 27 homecoming game. Although the team had to persevere through the cold rain and wind, the result had the community cheering on their feet with a win of 44 to 8. Getting the students prepared to celebrate the next night.

Homecoming night, Saturday Sep. 28, full of dresses, slacks, and dance. This year, student council created the theme of “the garden through time”. The entrance of the gym was lined with flowers that held pictures of students from various periods in high school. A giant collage was even pasted onto the wall for students to commemorate their years here at Eaton High. Miranda Crisp (21) said, “I like how different it was, it is something we’ve never done before and I like how they used pictures to kinda bring everyone together.” Although the theme was beautiful some people felt differently about the whole experience. Addie Burke (22) said, “The music wasn’t too great and that’s what homecomings all about. It was just a little disappointing.”

Although some said they were disappointed in the taste in music, the whole week was a success for the student body. The school spirit truly shined through as students got into the homecoming mood. It’ll be hard to top next year.