20 years ago, students argued their views on high school relationships and discussed their fears

20 years ago in November, two former students, Brooke Harless and Tiffany Aries, gave their contrasting opinions on high school dating relationships. Harless argued that these types of relationships “are just as important to every high school as the football team.” On the other hand, Aries debated that “high school relationships are just too serious” and that they “should be fun.” Both agreed that high school dating relationships are important and should be a part of every high school student’s life, but to what level of seriousness is the question.
20 years ago in November, some rather strange (and terrifying) fears filled the hearts of EHS students. A former student, Paul Loftis, mentioned his fear of “Swimmmingin the lazy pool at Water World” and Chewbacca. Another previous student, Brooke Harless, feared things such as “Freddy Krueger as a massage therapist” and “Sitting next to someone who just ate a bean burrito and thinks taking showers is a sin.” These former students also lived in fear of odder things, the host of “Reading Rainbow” making number nine on one of the lists.
On December 4, 1998, students pondered the top ten signs that someone is from a small town. Number 10 on former student Mike Bystrom’s top 10 list, “You are your own grandfather” contrasted with Ellie Morris’s top 10, which was “On your first date, you find out afterward, he was your second cousin.” Other signs listed include the town’s school being a barn made by the Amish in the 1800’s, an irrigation ditch serving as the swimming pool and the toilets being supposedly “endless holes in the ground.”