20 years ago, German club had a yodeling good time

20 years ago on November 9, 1998, the German travelers club put on the Dutch Hopp. The Eaton community was entertained by the live polka band, dancing, games, poker with candy and plays that the club provided. The picture shows Curtis McMillan with a cardboard figure named Mrs. Candy Lady, his “dance partner.”
Believe it or not, in 1998 seniors were going through the same things as seniors are today in terms of college: worry, procrastination and the likes. One of the past school counselors, Clark Shaw, encouraged students to stop putting off the search for college and start looking. Some of these past students voiced their lack of concern, former student Nick Kato even going so far as to say, “‘I’m a slacker. I’m gonna wait for the last minute.'”
10 years ago in April, 2008, the overly-used yet incredibly effective gullible joke was still in circulation. The above comic, created by former staff cartoonist Rochelle Peeler, portrayed this annoyingly efficient prank. By merely telling a dog that the word gullible is written on the ceiling, a prankster cat is able to steal some change from the rather gullible dog.