
Lindsey Schwartz (18) traveled to Africa during the past summer. She was in Africa for about two weeks. She went to Pfunanane Academy during her trip. This is a school that goes from preschool up to 7th grade. “I primarily helped out with the kindergarten class, which was actually just guiding their coloring and playing with them.

Her and her mother stayed in Tzaneen which is located in the Limpopo Province. “My wonderful mother came with me.” South Africa is a developing country with no middle class. It is mainly just the wealthy and those in extreme poverty.

“We actually visited a village where a lot of the kids were from and it was heartbreaking to see the conditions they were living in.” Most houses were one roomed cement blocked huts with no running water inside.

“Tzaneen was a very agriculturally based area.” They also visited the Kruger National Park which was a game reserve for all of the wild animals. “It was overall an eye opening experience and I can’t wait to go back.”
