Jayde Contreras (17) was one of the people that had the opportunity to travel to Europe during the summer. The whole trip was eleven days. They made stops in five countries including the US because they unexpectedly had to spend a day in New York. During the trip, they traveled to eight cities.

The Roman Coliseum




Contreras (17) taking pictures in Prague


Tyrol, Austria

Tyrol, Austria

Her favorite part of the trip was when they made a stop in Austria. “There was no Wi-Fi or cell service so everyone got to unplug and plug into each other a little bit.” Austria had an even more special meaning for Contreras than to some others. “We got there in the evening and stayed way up in the hills in a tiny little bed and breakfast place run by this sweet little old lady.” It was the Sound of Music in real life for her. She got to see the hills that are alive right after she played the lead role in the play at the school. She also had a special love for Florence, Italy.

Contreras has an obsession with sunsets and Austria was no disappointment for her. “OH MY GOSH I’ve never seen one so beautiful.” The little bed and breakfast was a time of bonding for the group of travelers. “We all just talked outside on the porch after our homemade dinner until the sun went down about anything and everything.”

Liza Nelson (17), Jayde Contreras (17), Ana Scott (18), and Mrs. Jones in Florence

The culture was different everywhere that they traveled to but many of them had similarities. Italy and Austria’s people seemed a lot more genuine and kind than people do in the United States just from first glance. “Italy especially had a lovely community feel in all the little shops, hotels and even just walking down the street.”