Vivian Renfroe (18) went with Sydney Booth (19) and their church to Belize this summer. The trip lasted a little over a week. They were involved through their church. “Every year we go on a missions trip.” They met every Sunday from March until they left for the trip in July. “Normally we stay in the country but every 2-3 years we outside the country.”

They were located in the Cayo and peace village. Her favorite part was playing with the children from the village. “It was unique and special making connections with kids who weren’t able to understand you.”
Renfroe (18) with children from the sports camp

During the trip, they held a two day sports camp where the kids would spend the whole day playing. They would then feed the children lunch. The next two days were spent building and putting up trenches for a church located in the jungle. The last day that they were there they spent it in Belize City. “We took a ferry and then got on another boat which took us out to go snorkeling with nursing sharks and other sea fish.”
Renfroe (18) with part of her youth group

Renfroe recommends that anyone that gets the chance to go on a trip out of the country should take it. “It shows you how different our cultures are and it brings you closer to everyone in the group.”