Inda (17) and her mom on the wedding day

Sophia Inda (17) watched her mom get married to a German in Italy over the summer. She was a bridesmaid in the wedding. They made a vacation out of her mother getting married and spent ten days there. They started their trip in Rome and spent three days there. “It was amazing but the number of tourists was crazy. The restaurants were aimed at luring tourists so they weren’t as unique and authentic in other cities we visited. "
Photo Credits: Sarah Hill
A sign that Sophia's brother made. It was hung at the entrance of the olive grove on the day of the

Inda (17) at her mother's wedding

Photo Credits: Sarah Hill

They then traveled to Florence which was “beautiful and romantic and so rich with architecture and history.” They also stayed in Tuscany at an olive grove which is where Inda’s mother was married. She also had the chance to take her senior pictures at the grove as well. They then traveled to Siena for a day which was Inda’s favorite city. “ It was as beautiful as Florence but there were less people and it was cleaner.”
One of Inda's (17) senior pictures.

Photo Credits: Sarah Hill
Florence, Italy

The hidden park that Inda's (17) family found

Picture taken from Michelangelo Piazza of Florence

Trevi Fountain

Everywhere she turned there were cobblestone streets. It was a new adventure in every direction she went. “There were new plazas with statues and churches that we’d discover every time we went for a walk.” During their trip, they got the chance to explore the Roman Coliseum. People in their group came from many places around the world including Canada, India and Australia. “I think the coolest part of Italy was being able to walk in any direction and find a new area to explore.” During their first night in Florence, they stumbled on the Pantheon and they also found the Trevi Fountain without meaning to. They also found hole in the wall restaurants and a park in Siena hidden by vegetation that was built on an old basketball court. “Each day was an adventure, you never knew what you’d discover next.”
Roman Coliseum

Sophia in Tuscany

Culture was a brand new experience for Inda. “So many languages were being spoken and many different countries were represented which was really awesome.” Italy had a very unique culture because many countries were represented through language, people and clothing. “Italy had its own distinct culture too which was demonstrated through architecture, food and art.”

She was able to experience all the places that most people only get to dream about. “My favorite part was seeing all the places I’ve always seen pictures of because they were so much more breathtaking in person.”
Sophia's sister and mom on a tour bus