Every small child dreams of something that they want to discover in life. As a child, Hannah Cooper (18), dreamt of her chance to travel to Japan. This past summer her childhood dreams were fulfilled when she traveled to Japan through the Japan Society Junior Fellows Leadership Program. Cooper said. “Being able to go to the country I’ve wanted to since I was a little girl was one of the best parts.”

Cooper spent two and a half weeks in the place she had so long been wanting to explore. During this time, she traveled to a few different major cities throughout Japan. She spent time in the capital, Tokyo. Other places she went were Yokohama, Kyoto and Nara. One place in particular stood out to Cooper. “Yokohama wasn’t as busy as Tokyo.” She spent time at an amusement park that included a shopping area.

Tokyo At Night


People of Takeshita

She also traveled to Hiroshima which left a lasting impact on her. This is where history became part of real life for Cooper. She met a survivor from Hiroshima and spent time exploring the place that endured so much tragedy. She went to a park that was centered around what had happened during the bombings. "There is nothing you can do to prepare yourself when you enter the park. You gain so much knowledge from walking through the park.”


The Dome

Cooper (18) in front of the Great Budha

She lived in Kanagawa during her stay. Cooper said, "My family was so nice, they were like my family at home." She was not sure how to feel when she first met her host family. Cooper said, "it was kind of awkward," because they had only talked over email. She spent most of her time with her host mother. Cooper said, "I miss her a lot." They talked and exchanged cultures while her host father was at work. He had to take a train to Tokyo each day for work. While she was there, school was still in session so she very rarely saw her host siblings. She soaked up every moment with her mother as she could .
Night Time


Great Buddha

Cooper (18) with her whole class

Cooper (18) with her host parents

Katase Nisihama Beach

Capital Building

Buddhist Shrine
