By Karalee Kothe
The Eaton Troubadours traveled to the “Nashville of the west,” or Santa Fe to perform for elementary and middle school students on March 13-15. They performed at two elementary schools and two middle schools to inspire the kids with music. From bowling to the Insurgent movie premier to authentic Mexican food, the Troubadours also spent a day sight-seeing and bonding. Christina Contreras went on this same trip when she was in high school, and felt that it was important for the Troubs to go on it as well. She said, “I think when younger kids see high school kids perform live, singing and dancing with confidence and joy, it really inspires them. It is such an important expression in schools.” This trip also brought the Troubadours closer together. Alyssa Berg said, “The whole day we performed for kids and the next day we went sight-seeing. Santa Fe is an important place for music. It was cool to be a musician in that city. There were people playing on the street corners, it was really cool.” Jakob Dowdy (16) felt similar. He said, “It was fun but a long drive-eight hours. We chilled one day and sang all day the next. We bonded there and stayed up late talking in a hot tub one night.”