By Karolee Kothe
Whether it be to improve a childhood school experience or just to see a smile, Tiana Schwartz (15), Kimberly Nieblas (18), Alhan Rodriguez (18), Lourdes Estrada (17), Stephanie Rivera (17), Luke Pickett (18), Megan Radcliff (16), and Lucero Ontiveros (17) make the short trek to EES to tutor students who need help on homework. Joleen Carey, from EES support services, said the elementary students love being with the high school students, and the high schoolers have a blast as well. Schwartz said, “I want to be a teacher and tutoring these students is a fun way to figure out if thats what I want to do. Its fun seeing them grow throughout the year.” Both Nieblas and Rodriguez said they to be tutors because they wish they had this same opportunity when they were younger. Nieblas said, “A lot of the kids I tutor don’t have older siblings to help them, like I help my younger brothers. When I see them happy, it makes me happy.” Similarly, Rodriguez enjoys making friends with the elementary students. He said, “I want to be their good example, because when I was little, I didn’t have a tutor to help me.” This tutoring opportunity is open to any high school student who can commit to after school on Mondays and Thursdays. Talk to Mrs. Pelz in the counseling office for more information.