The movie “Dune” and its sequel “Dune 2” are based on the novels by Frank Herbert that follows the story of Paul Atreides, who is born into a powerful family that controls the planet of Arrakis. The desert planet of Arrakis carries a precious resource called “spice” in its sand that fuels several wars and conflicts between the different powerful families of the universe. Atreides must undertake the surveillance of Arrakis and fight to honor his family name and reach his great destiny.
The epic prequel, “Dune” was a movie that captivated audiences and ended with fans asking for more. “Dune 2,” offers exactly what the audiences of “Dune” were asking for. It’s a movie that offers grand scenes of conflict and despair. Each scene pulls the audience in exponentially. One of the most competitive families to the Atriedes clan is the horrific Harkonnen, who are brutal and are featured in numerous scenes throughout “Dune 2.” The brutal scenery of the Harkonnen add to the captivating nature of the movie. The unpredictability and tension of each scene on the planet of Arrakis satisfied “Dune” fans.
“Dune 2” is a spectacle that leaves the audience in shock and awe. The epic conclusion of the movie, when the Fremen attack their own capital in an attempt to stop the Harkonnen and the emperor was filled with tension and excitement for fans.
EHS junior Brody Niswender has not seen the movie yet, but he said, “I would definitely like to watch it, but I’m not much of a movie person, so I’d have to get caught up.” “Dune” and “Dune 2” are movies that ask much of the audience, but for an experienced audience, “Dune 2,” is the perfect movie to become immersed in Herbert’s “Dune” universe.
The acting of Timothy Chamolet and Zendaya added to the overall feel of the movie that captured fans with their epic scenes of battle and love. “Dune 2” is a transformative film, because of its modern acting and computer generated imagery(CGI). The film shows off the art of cinematography in numerous scenes.
It’s a well-thought out movie, and one that sticks with the audience, especially the battle scenes between the Fremen and the Harkonnen that are violent and jarring. The story telling of Atreides following his destiny is consistent and pulls the audience in more. Junior Kiauna Smith said, “I really enjoyed the movie. I thought the graphics and storyline were great and it was overall just really well done.”
“Dune” and it’s sequel “Dune 2,” are perfect. From experienced movie-goers to the average audience, “Dune 2” displays the power of cinematography in the modern age and frankly, everyone should watch “Dune 2,” preferably on the biggest screen possible. It will not disappoint.