Eaton’s Lord of the Rings

EHS’s Ryder True sets himself up for ninth championship ring

True carries the football in the 2022 championship football game.

A state championship ring is something that every high school athlete dreams of having, and senior Ryder True has eight of them. True just acquired his newest ring at the 2023 CHSAA wrestling championships, where the reds took home their second title in a row. True doesn’t just wrestle, though. He also plays varsity football and baseball.

True wrestled at 152 pounds during his freshman year of wrestling. He wrestled on the varsity lineup, qualifying for state, and ending the season with a record of 22-14. Eaton tied with Valley with a team score of 105.5 and were state champions for the first time in Eaton wrestling history.

The following year yielded two more championships for True. He played linebacker and fullback for the varsity football team, and the team had a record of 7-2. The Reds defeated Lamar in the state championship with a final score of 28-21. 

That spring, True played outfield and catcher for the varsity baseball team. He finished the season with an impressive 21-1 record. The Reds defeated the Classical Academy 4-1, and True earned his third ring. 

True’s 2021-2022 school year yielded three more championships and three more rings. The Reds were undefeated in football in 13 games that year, beating Brush for the state championship. 

Then, True wrestled 220 pounds, taking third at the state tournament with a final record of 41-11. The Reds took the state tournament again, scoring 127.5 points, as the sole owners of the trophy. 

The spring season was just as fruitful. Reds baseball finished the season with a 28-2 record. They won over the University Bulldogs 10-4, taking a second consecutive championship.

This year, True has earned another two championship rings. Reds football finished the season 13-1, when they beat Delta 21-10 in the state championship game to earn their third consecutive championship and True’s seventh ring. 

In February, True wrestled the final match of his high school career, taking third at the state tournament with a record of 32-8. He and his team earned a total of 128 points for a second consecutive championship. True said, “I am most proud of this year’s football championship because we had a brand new offensive line, and it was awesome to end my career by carrying the ball for a touchdown.”

Junior Jackson Tribbett (24) has been on the football team and the wrestling team with True during multiple championships. Tribbett said, “Ryder is a really good athlete and a fun teammate to be around. Everyone that has been on a team with him would agree that he is going to be missed.”

That was True’s eighth ring, but the ride isn’t over. He will be playing varsity baseball again for his senior season, and he could potentially earn a ninth ring. This is a feat that has not been accomplished by any other student at Eaton High School, and it has not been replicated by many high school athletes at all.