Eaton School District takes on Halloween ‘22
Students and teachers dress up for the spooky season
Halloween is the one night a year when people dress up as whatever they’d like. The holiday is celebrated on Oct. 31 of every year. The tradition is that people dress up and walk around neighborhoods trick or treating for candy. The term “Halloween” comes from “All Hallows’ Eve,” meaning “hallowed evening.” The tradition originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
People also host parties where everyone dresses up and comes together to celebrate. Halloween for kids means free candy. Unlimited amounts of candy are given out to kids that participate in trick or treating. Families carve pumpkins and set them out on their front porch with lights inside of them to make it spooky. Scotland Algino, a special education teacher at Eaton High School, and her family love Halloween. Algino said, “My family loves to get together and spend time with each other while having fun.” This year they dressed up as The Flintstones family.
Halloween was on Monday this year and the school gave students the opportunity to dress up as long as the costumes are dress code appropriate. Amy Fetzer is a teacher at EHS and decided to dress as a spider web for Halloween. Fetzer had webs as eyelashes, a spider on her head, and she dressed in all black. Fetzer said, “It is fun to see all the students and teachers dressed up on this special day.” Overall, Halloween was a success for Eaton High School and the Eaton community.