EHS changes original plans to mix choir classes

Eaton High School decides to change plans on mixing choir classes

Eaton High School administration along with choir teacher, Christina Contreras have decided to go back to the original choir classes of all boys and women. A mixed non-auditioning choir was previously mentioned, but with the advisement of students, the choir classes will now go back to the way they originally were a year ago. 

Last year a plan was made to add a non-audition mixed choir to EHS. EHS took student requests for a mixed non-audition choir class into consideration and were planning on mixing the choirs for this year’s classes to be more inclusive.

The plan additionally needed some steps to make the request possible- as choir teacher Mrs. Contreras would have to pick up an extra choir class. To fill the gaps, an additional physical education teacher, Mr. Cameron Stewart, was hired to teach the fitness challenge classes in addition to other PE classes

Leading up to the change has been a complicated ordeal. Mrs. Contreras said, “It is complicated. Originally, two students last year requested a mixed non-audition choir, with the help of counselors and Eaton administrators, the class was introduced. Many students came up to me personally and wanted the all men’s and women’s choirs back, and now here we are where everything is back to how it originally was.”

Many students in the choir enjoy that the choir classes can all go back to how they were. Many female students feel more comfortable in a class with all females. 

Women’s choir member, Addison Hager(25) said,“I like the atmosphere that everyone contributes to, I do like that it’s all women, because we can all relate to each other and we all feel more comfortable                         

An all men’s choir and all women’s choir is special to Mrs. Contreras, as she feels it benefits the students and gives unique character to all her classes.