Keeping the Ball Rolling
The EHS tennis program’s success and goals moving into the 2021-2022 season

The Lady Reds Tennis team had a successful season last year, and they’re hoping to keep up the same energy this season. Even though they had a good season, they faced some difficulty with the short season last year. Due to covid, the start of tennis was delayed until May 12, opposed to its usual starting date, …and was shortened significantly.
Even so, the team found as many matches as they could with the lack of a league. They ended the season with 3 wins and 3 losses. Against the odds, coach Mike Brisendine sent all of his doubles teams to state. The girls finished tied for 11th.
Brisendine said, “Moriah Noonan (22) and Zoe Floryance (22), Kallie Salberg (24) and Taylor Bradshaw (22), Abby Copeland (23) and Emily Brisendine (23), and Tayla Wiedeman (24) and Shelby Shuman (23)” were all the doubles teams that went to state. He said some teams even made it to the second round.
Thankfully this season is back to regular length, and it starts much earlier than last year. Brisendine also said that all players would be returning this season.
Senior Taylor Bradshaw says that she is hoping to improve her skills and succeed at state. She has also been working all summer to improve and will likely be a formidable opponent.
Coach Brisendine’s goal for this season is to, “increase our numbers, hopefully, we can get that to 22 or 25 players.” He said that the team isn’t chasing a state championship, so the goal is to grow the program and have fun.
Bradshaw says that she’s excited to “see the new players fall in love with the sport […] and the team grow closer.”
EHS is looking forward to another successful season for the Reds tennis squad.