Senior Spotlight: Hailey Bangert

Hailey Bangert (22) plans to attend Aims Community College to major in radiology after graduation. Her goal is to work at a hospital after she obtains her degree. Bangert is involved in Eaton High School’s Agriculture and FFA program. She teaches a middle school class through FFA and participates in the Floriculture class.

Outside of school, Bangert spends her time with friends and working. Bangert said, “The most important thing to me as a leader at Eaton High School is helping those around me enjoy their time here. High school is meant to be a memorable and fun experience, so I hope I encourage my peers to make the most of it.” Through her Floriculture class, Bangert arranges flowers with her peers and delivers them to the school and community. This has helped her enjoy the mundane flow of everyday life.

“The most important letter in the EATON acronym to me is ‘awareness’. I always try to be aware of the students around me. If someone is feeling down or left out, I do my best to be a safe space and include them. My agriculture involvement has taught me to work well with others and give back to my school and community,” Bangert said. Her legacy of kindness and community outreach won’t be forgotten by Eaton High School. Bangert said, “I hope to leave a legacy of someone who cared. I truly care about my peers and this community and I hope what I have done has encouraged others to always be kind.”