Senior Spotlight: Rinoa Womack

Rinoa Womack (22) plans to attend the University of Northern Colorado to study technical theater and stage management after she graduates. At Eaton High School, Womack is involved in Symphonic Band, Concert Band, Colorguard, and Theater. Womack has contributed to her school’s leadership through her involvement in the arts.

She said, “The most important thing to me as a leader is setting a good example for my peers by staying on task and being goal-oriented.” By reaching her goals, Womack sets a positive example for those around her. She values confidence and embraces who she is. She hopes to leave a legacy of kindness. Womack said, “The legacy I hope to leave at Eaton High School is one of being kind to those around me and helping underclassmen. Beginning high school can be intimidating, but not so much when you have friends to show you around.”

Womack believes ownership is the most important word in the EATON acronym. She said, “Ownership to me, is the most important aspect of our school acronym because it is so important to own up to your mistakes to be able to learn from them. Growth is not found in comfort”.