Lunch Lady Love
Everyday the lunch ladies prepare meals for staff and students at EHS
Every day, the lunch ladies, Laura Baxley, Danielle Bjork, Angel Powell, and Amanda Scheere, provide breakfast and lunch for the students of EHS. These ladies are constantly working hard to make sure everyone at the high school is fed and ready to achieve success. Even though they do a lot of behind the scene work that isn’t seen, they still deserve so much appreciation.
Deciding to become a lunch lady was an easy choice for Baxley, Bjork, Powell, and Scheere. All these wonderful ladies put family first and did it for their kids. They wanted a job where they could still be home at the same time as their kids. Baxley said, “My mother was also a kitchen lady, so I knew how important it was to be home with the children.” Similar to their reason for joining the lunch lady crew, at work they love the people they work with and love seeing the students every day.
At Eaton, both staff and students work to help the lunch ladies feel appreciated. Baxley, Bjork, Powell, and Scheere all agreed that they do feel appreciated and included by the staff. Recently, they got thanked for winning an award of excellence. They are also very supportive of each other. Scheere said, “If we’re having an off day, then the next day we bring in a treat to uplift each other.” Remember to be respectful to the lunch ladies as they are playing a big role in the student’s success at school. Don’t forget please and thank you!
Don’t forget to thank these hard-working ladies for their time and dedication.