Mid Quarter Coping and Relaxation Strategies
Tension and stress levels rise as the middle of the quarter sneaks up on the students at Eaton high school.
It’s the middle of the quarter and for the most part, students have figured out their school routine, wake up, go to school, sports/clubs, do homework, and go to bed. After this routine is discovered, school gets a bit boring and for some students, they fall into a slump. Also, some students become mentally exhausted, causing them to fall into a slump. This slump can cause students to fall behind in their classes, contributing to the already high amount of stress.
Stress levels are on the rise during mid-quarter because classes begin to pick up, sports are still happening, and teachers assign a large amount of homework. Most students find homework to be a significant stressor in their life. Kaitlin Anderson (23) said, “All the homework, tests, and essays, the workload is way too much.” Additionally, Abby Scheiner (22) said, “Getting in the groove of all of your classes and trying to balance your social life with school work,” causes her the most stress.
Coping with stress is something students have to figure out themselves. Different coping methods work differently for everyone. One student might sleep to cope with stress, while another might go on runs. An anonymous student said, “The thing that helps me is having a planner because it keeps me organized, and when I’m organized I don’t worry so much about having missing assignments.” Learning how to cope with stress is important in being successful at school. Some popular coping strategies among students are reading a book, exercising, sleeping, staying organized, listening to music, spending time with pets, friends, and family, taking deep breaths, laughter, and art.
It is equally important that students take time to relax after a stressful day or week. Haley said, “I like to do yoga when I need to stretch my muscles and wind down.” Other ways students relax include sleeping, going for a walk, listening to music, meditation, reading, drawing, and face-timing friends.
There are plenty of methods that students can use to cope and relax, yet so many struggles with finding out what works for them. Students should just keep trying different methods until they find one that works for them. The counselors, Mrs. Kochevar and Mrs. Flood are also available at school to help students with stress and school.