Say Yes to the Dress
FCCLA gives students a chance to get a dress for Homecoming night.
The time has come for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) to host Say Yes to the Dress once again during this Homecoming season. FCCLA has been doing the honor of holding this event for several years for various reasons. Abby Fetzer (22) said, “It was started just to give students who didn’t have the money or the opportunity to get a homecoming dress to get a homecoming dress.” The way it works is anyone can donate their old Homecoming dresses to FCCLA and students can get those donated dresses for free.
Every year students from every grade and even students who have already graduated bring in their old dresses for this beneficial event. Many of these people that bring in their dresses have had them sitting in their closets collecting dust for years. Fetzer said, “For all the people that have Homecoming dresses in their closet that they don’t ever wear, it gives them an opportunity to get rid of them and still know they are being used.” Say Yes to the Dress has positive outcomes throughout the school and has helped many students that aren’t able to get dresses.
This year, Emily Hogsett (22) and Fetzer hosted Say Yes to the Dress and Mattea Gurnsey (24) helped make posters to promote the event. Fetzer said her favorite part of Say Yes to the Dress is watching people donate their dresses because “it’s cool to see them being reused.” Gurnsey said her favorite part is seeing, “Students that don’t have enough money to buy dresses can just come to pick one out and not have to worry and can enjoy Homecoming.”
Say Yes to the Dress is doing wonderful things for the students at the high school and the community. By giving these dresses another opportunity to be worn again, it gives all the students the opportunity to go to Homecoming in a stunning dress.