New year brings new opportunities
Eaton welcomes Jessica Grable as the 2021-2022 principal
The last few school years have truly been a roller coaster for all high school students. With the fear of coronavirus, masks mandates, and quarantines, the Eaton High students are finally experiencing normalcy in their education. The 2021-2022 school year is full of possibilities after years of insanity. One of the biggest opportunities starts with the new principal, Jessica Grable. The last name Grable is familiar to all students, as Dean Grable, the physical education teacher, has taught the entirety of the EHS population at one point in their life. Dean Grable is Jessica Grable’s husband and a key component to why Grable decided to apply for the position.
Grable graduated from Windsor High School and continued her education at Eastern Wyoming College on a rodeo scholarship. She always adored the small school environment of her high school and knew she wanted her future children to have the same experience. She transferred to University of Northern Colorado for her third year of secondary school where she graduated with a K-12 physical education degree.
Teaching for four years at Fort Lupton High School, Grabel taught athletic training, gymnastics, weight room, team sports, and, one of her favorites, a bowling class. She then decided to advance her education and soon received her masters in Educational Leadership from Grand Canyon.
From here, Grable returned to the school of her childhood to soak in the small community. Teaching for eight years, her career progressed and she was asked to become the Dean of Students for a semester. After a successful semester, she became the principal of Severance Middle School the very next year. During these years of career advancement, she watched her husband and sons fall in love with Eaton. Especially when Dean Grable was coaching basketball. “It really felt like home. The small community and support was everything I always wanted. And my boys,” she said, “there was no way they would have been anything but a Red.”
She decided to move her family to become closer to the school they attended. The Grable family has lived in Eaton for five years now. In those five years, Grable only fell more in love with the characteristics of the small town. When she saw the principal position open up, she knew she had to apply, even if it meant leaving the job she loved in Severance.
Grable has big dreams for the school, “I hope that I can finish my career here. I hope Eaton helps me grow as a leader, person, mom, and wife. I want to help the teachers and kids grow as well. I want Eaton to be great. I want it to be the best,” she said.
In her free time, Grable still enjoys riding a horse, “It’s good for my soul, and I’ll say it every time I get on a horse for the rest of my life,” she said. Her biggest hobbies include spending time with her family and friends, reading, camping, and hanging out on the lake.
She is excited for years to come as she helps Eaton grow to become better. But as of right now, Grable is “wowed” by the students already. “These kids are amazing. I knew they were amazing, of course, but to see it first hand on the first day of school was eye-opening . I watched two kids sit with someone alone at lunch without even being prompted. These students are just kind. Even the staff, it’s been a great start to the year and I can’t wait to see more,” she said.