Public health outreach- teenage drinking
Courtney Leafgren, an Eaton High School graduate, and five fellow nursing students have recently become passionate about preventing teen drinking. “The purpose of our project is to assess a county (we chose Weld County) to develop a plan to address a specific issue seen in the area. We discovered through our research that underage drinking, and drinking in general, is a major issue in Weld County,” she said, “According to Weld County’s 2012 Public Health Assessment and Improvement Plan, Weld County has ‘one of the highest reported percentages of underage current alcohol use rates, among persons aged 12-20.’ Beyond just this area, the CDC reports that the percentage of high schoolers who currently drink alcohol was 30.7% in Colorado.”
Leafgren said, “Having been in acute care areas for people suffering from alcohol withdrawal, we recognize the dangers associated with early alcohol use and potential abuse. Our group wants to help aid in alcohol use prevention amongst teens by providing a form of education specific to this particular population.”
Leafgren and her fellow students created a 43 second TikTok to share their knowledge. Below the video is a link to help them gather more information and data. After watching the video, check out the google form to contribute.