Eaton High School breaks ground
New building construction finally commences on Jan. 11
Throughout the years of planning, the new Eaton High School has seen many great ideas that will improve the teaching and learning experience. In total, $63,077,649 will be spent on the new high school. The high school can currently hold about 500 students, but the new high school will be able to hold about 800 students. If the population of Eaton grows throughout the years, future additions are already planned to hold 1200 students. This new high school gives students more opportunities to learn because of the sheer space and modern technology within the school. Rick Kaufman, principal of Eaton High School said, “It’s a company that has built schools in the area and they have equally been as confident in getting done in the time frame.” The construction team and architects working on this new high school have been very helpful in the planning of this building and are very reliable so far in the construction process. Not to mention the community, teachers, and staff have been involved with the creation of this massive project, which has given it such a pristine and unique layout. Kaufman said, “I have been involved in some of the artwork that’s going to be in that building and the layout of the building itself.”
After breaking ground for the new high school on Jan. 11, there has been significant progress on the construction site. The construction team has moved large amounts of dirt since the start of the project. After the dirt has been dug and moved, the foundation and the concrete pad will be constructed. Superintendent Jay Tapia said, “As of right now we are on schedule with our start times and our projected finish times. The estimated finish time is the end of July in 2022. We will open the new facility for the Fall 2022 school year.” The progress of the new high school is right on track to be finished in July, and ready for the students at the start of the 2022 school year.