Athletes looking forward to spring sports
Sports seasons C and D within reach
Spring is coming up fast, and its arrival brings another season of Eaton High School sports. Sports, being a big part of Eaton High School’s culture, are a big deal for the community.
Not just the athletes, but the parents, teachers, and other students as well. Due to the COVID pandemic, spring sports seasons were cancelled in the previous year, which has caused many athletes to get excited for their upcoming season. The only EHS sport in Season C is volleyball, which normally takes place in the fall, and the three sports starting in Season D include tennis, baseball, and track.
Eaton volleyball starts on March 1, and the championship is on May 1. This is much different than the usual volleyball season because they usually start around the same time school starts. Many volleyball athletes have adapted to the movement of their season by playing club in the offseason.
Volleyball player Rylee Martin (23) said, “A lot of us play club, and the club season is happening right now. A lot of us also play basketball, so some of the girls won’t be able to make it to the first game.” Even with these obstacles, many girls are ready to take on the season with full force.
On April 26, the high school baseball season begins. Under the coaching of Todd Hernandez, the baseball team is going to be a big threat this year. Hernandez said, “Obviously, not playing last spring was difficult. I felt we had the makings of a state title team (much like this year), but we were unable to show that on the field. I think that is going to allow us to focus a little bit more on the day-to-day things and not take the game for granted.”
Many athletes are hungry to get back out there and compete after not being able to do so last year. This, like Hernandez said, can be a big motivator for great things to come. Some key players that will help lead this baseball team include seniors Ryan Ure, Logan Moser, and Cole Shumacher.
Along with baseball, track will start on April 26.. This, being much later than the usual season, sends the state tournament back to the end of June. Head Coach Jaryn Guerra said, “I am nervous because I feel like the lack of momentum from last season’s cancellation paired with the fact that we have to run well into the summer is going to affect the team dynamic, but I also think that the most passionate athletes will show up and show out.”
There are many uncertainties going into the season, but one thing for sure is that the people that love their sport will show up to work every day. Some athletes that will be big threats this year are Scott Grable (21), Joseph Sisneros (22), Andie Rasmussen (24), Logan Gullett (23), and many more.
The last Eaton High School spring sport starting soon is tennis. Also starting on the 26th, this tennis season will be one of a kind. Coach Michael Brisendine said, “This will be the first time starting this late, but the girls are looking forward to practicing and playing in warmer weather.
This is the case for some athletes, and can increase performance for this season. Brisendine also said, “We’ve been hitting and playing a lot since June.” The girls are very ready for this year, and will prove a big challenge to the other teams.
All sports this year will look a little different. Through the uncertainties, each coach and athlete has had time to prepare and get ready for the competition. This spring will be one to remember.