New EHS teachers
Three new teachers have arrived at EHS this year
Eaton High School is starting off the new semester with a couple new teachers and long-term substitutes. They are planning on working here for the next few years and the students are thrilled about it. Especially since the students seem to really enjoy having the teachers here.
At the beginning of the year, there was a new Spanish teacher who ended up leaving at the end of semester one. A long-term substitute began working at EHS and the students seem to really like her. She is a long-term substitute for now, who is currently getting her education degree and once she gets it she will continue working here for years to come. Kendall Williams said, “It’s been a lot of fun, I’m a big fan of the students and I think most of them are pretty funny and pretty sweet.”
This semester also brought a new art teacher, Sharon Torres. Many students like Mrs. Torres and enjoy art more because of her. Yuri Nemeth (23) said, “I like the new art teacher a lot, she seems chill and class is more fun now.” With the students enjoying art class more, it can unlock new talents and joys related to art.
Ian Wilson is the new woodworking teacher who started last semester after Mr. Armstrong left. The students enjoy having him around and are looking forward to taking his class along with seeing what he’s like as a teacher since there has been nothing but good words about him.
The students and staff are looking forward to what the new teachers bring to the school. The EHS family is welcoming the teachers with open arms and are excited to see these remarkable new faces.