EHS completely remote
The district determined that it is in the best interest of staff and students to continue the semester virtually
Beginning Tuesday, December 15, all students at EHS will complete the first semester through virtual learning. With over 12 active cases of COVID-19 in the last 4-5 school days, the district determined that it is in the best interest of the staff and students to conduct school remotely.
Students returned to school on Monday, December 14 with half the student body and staff out from quarantine. With the eerie and seemingly empty environment, the students were unsurprised when Principal Rick Kaufman sent out a mass email informing the students that Monday was their last day of the semester within the school. During the Board of Education meeting held on December 14, Kaufman said “Yes, we are now learning online. But we are selling the salvation of coming back next semester in-person on January 5.” The district will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the EHS students can return to a normal and effective school environment after Christmas break.
Students are now required to attend virtual classes at the regularly scheduled times. “You will be required to be in attendance for classes via Google Meet or Zoom as well as logging in to your Google Classroom and completing all assignments and submitting your work through Google Classroom. Your teachers will be marking you as present, absent or tardy to each class. You will no longer have the option of clicking that you are participating in class. If you do not attend virtually or complete your assignments during the appropriate class time, your teachers will mark you unexcused,” a mass email from Kim Carey stated.
With 16 weeks in-person, it will be a challenge for the students to undergo remote learning. Superintendent Jay Tapia said, “Of course, it is very disappointing to have the high school students and staff out, but it is for the overall safety of everyone.”