Health Department gives go-ahead for June graduation ceremony
Administrators make plans to celebrate seniors despite Pandemic
With COVID-19 roaring through the nation, it has been difficult to come up with a safe plan to celebrate the seniors. The pandemic has postponed graduation and left seniors asking what happens next. but, as of May 1, principal Jay Tapia has announced the alternative for graduation. On May 15 at 9:00 a.m. a “parade of sorts” will take place down Juniper Street to 1st Street. The seniors will take their vehicles to the Eaton Middle School and will drive down to the teacher parking lot where they will receive cap and gown packages.
On May 17, the senior slideshow will be shared on the school website via link. Although this is not much for the time being, the district has also placed a date for a proper graduation for this summer. The Weld County Health Department has approved of a graduation on June 28 with student attendance only. The six feet separation rule will be enforced, but it gives the seniors a proper goodbye. A goodbye they have been preparing for their entire life.
If health department guidelines ease up, there is a possibility that parents could attend the graduation. Meaning the ceremony will be held outside. But if parents are not authorized, the graduation will be held inside the gymnasium.
Although this may not be the graduation the class of 2020 were imagining in their heads for the past four years, it gives them something. The seniors have worked hard to get to this point and they deserve to be recognized. Tapia said, “ I would like to tell you what an honor it has been to work with these seniors over the past three years. They are incredible human beings. Their drive, passion, humor, and empathy are what impress me most.”