Valentine’s Day Scramble
Valentine’s day is a special day full of love. Many girls go into a panic and fret that they won’t find a date in time, and they won’t be a part of the lovey dovey cliches that are evoked in movies. But everyone is going to be getting their other half flowers and chocolate. To show how much love and devotion you have for this relationship, maybe try doing something more out of the box and not follow everyone else like a sheep.
- If you are already dating, maybe take them on a replication of your first date together. Even if it was a cheap meal or going to the movies, I can promise you that if you do what you did on your first date, she will think it’s the cutest thing ever (especially since you remembered).
- Lots of individuals say they are going to go do something, but they usually don’t follow through with their plan. Couples do the same thing. Sometimes couples have commitment issues, not with the relationship itself, but with the date ideas they talk about. Valentine’s day would be the perfect opportunity to go on a date that you have mentioned, but were never planned out.
- It is a misconception that dates on Valentine’s day have to be at night. That only gives you a few hours together when there are 24 full hours that are dedicated to love. Take advantage of that, spend the whole day together and do a collaboration of things together. These things don’t even have to seem fun at the start, but if you guys are a truly good match, then it shouldn’t matter what you’re doing, anything you do together will be a blast.
About the Contributor

Addie Burke, Staff Reporter
Addie Burke is a new addition to the Eaton Red Ink staff. As a sophomore, she tries to be involved in as much as possible. She is a part of the Eaton High School Student Council, FCCLA, is the treasurer for Key Club, and participates in swimming and track. This new member of the newspaper crew loves music and is passionate about writing reviews on her favorite artists, albums, and songs. Addie is always looking for new challenges to improve her abilities as a writer, student, athlete, and to become a better person over all.