Students kick off new school year
EHS starts the school year with a larger-than-ever freshmen class
Toby Gavette (19) leads the new freshmen class in doing “the roller coaster.”
The class of 2022 gathered together for freshmen orientation at Eaton High School on August 16 to get introduced to EHS and become a bit more familiar with the new surroundings. LINK leaders arrived early in the morning to get ready for the day of helping acquaint the upcoming ninth grade class with the high school. This year’s new freshmen class is the largest that EHS has had since the school was founded. The ninth grade students got a tour of the building, a brief run-through of their classes, and participated in a number of activities, including a game which involved popping balloons between LINK leaders and freshmen of the opposite gender.
Students kicked off the school year officially with an assembly, welcoming the new class of freshmen and attempting to get everyone excited for the year with games and activities, which involved things like a race across the floor with plungers and teacher trivia. EHS students were also welcomed back to the 2018-2019 school with some changes, like starting school five minutes early for extra lunch time, and a new “park your phone” policy.