The results are in! The members of Troubadours and Bella Voce have been posted around the school to let EHS know who is going to be singing through the halls in the next 2018-19 school year.
Sixteen members were selected after a grueling decision to be in the Troubadours, while 18 were selected to be in the Bella Voce choir. The audition process consists of performing a song of their choice, rhythmic and melodic sight reading and also their professionalism and appearance. Jamie Bulzomi (19) said, “My first year [audtioning] was harder then my second. This year I only missed .25 points, so I was very excited that I did way better than last year.” The scores are calculated by the number of errors that are made. A student that auditions for an elite choir starts the process by gaining 5 points in each section of melodic and rythmic sight seeing. The other 25 points are recieved by performing a solo. The maximum number of points that someone can recieve is 40 total points. The students with the highest scores earn their postion in the choir. Allie Philips (19), a new member of the Troubadour choir said, “I’ve been in Bella for two years, so making it into Troubs and going up a step is really cool. I’m really excited to work with the people that are in there. They are all very hardworking people and really invested in the choir. They are a great group of people and we are going to have a lot of fun.”
This year, the elite choirs of EHS are starting off with a clean slate and preparing new underclassman to fill the shoes of the seniors who have left the elite choirs with only a few underclassmen to lead on the new members. Alle Daniels, an EHS graduate and a former member of the Troubadors said, “Being a troubadour was my biggest goal entering high school. I worked so hard to get in and I’ve loved every second since. I’m going to miss Troubs because we have gotten so close over the past two years. We all work so hard to be the musicians and performers we are. Troubadours has been one of the most challenging classes, but by far the most rewarding. Mrs. C is a phenomenal woman and I’m going to miss her more than words can say. I love my troubadour family and I will never forget the impact that they have had on my life.”
Jamie Bulzomi Jackson Contreras
Anna Augustine Austin Decker
Matea Floryance Raul Reyes Camacho
Janae Jarnagin Spencer Hays
Allie Philips Evan Messmer
Andrea Pennington Aden Gomez
Bella Voce
Lexi Negro Lillianna Garcia
Judith Hernandez Marisabel Baeza
Joelle Green Lauren Brown
Emily Mellman Grace Sandau
Brianna Everhart Jaryn Green
Tierra Curtis Tanya Prather
Katelyn LeClair Kate McCreery
Kaleigh Williams Shelby Wright
Julissa Contreras Haley Brogdon