Future plans become 3-D
Three 3-D designs for the high school were unveiled at the District Facilities meeting on Feb 21, and include drastic changes that will increase capacity and provide a seamless campus. EHS will be designed to accommodate 900 students with room for future expansion to accommodate 1200 students. RB+B construction wants to retain the historic gym and auditorium, achieve a closed campus, increase parking, construct an academically centered media center, revitalize vocational programs, and create additional classrooms in the high school.
These changes are contingent on what circulation pathways, courtyard styles, and the relationship of the new building will be in the best interest of budget and the needs of individual buildings. The library will be constructed in a central location in all of the design options. None of the plans incorporate land from the Eaton park, and all design options will include elevator access. The land from the park could potentially be used to expand the high school, but its future is in question at the moment. According senior associate Matt Arabasz, designs are not final, but do provide an in-depth look into the future of the high school. Arabasz said that finalized plans will be resented to the public in May or June of this year with construction to follow in the summer of 2019.
The upcoming November bond election will determine the amount of construction that can take place within the district. Currently, the best option for remodeling the district itself is to build a new K-5 school and revitalize the middle and high schools to accommodate growth, all of which will cost about $73 million.
The designs
The first design option, shown below, will be cheapest because it keeps the 60’s (science) hallway, which will be renovated, in the framework of the building. Overall, this option will have the least amount of parking, but does provide additional space with the elimination of the Ag Shop. If built, this option will also have the potential to expand the addition out back to three stories for additional classrooms.

The second design option, shown below, will have the most parking space, and eliminates the science hallway. This option also shows the new windows that were recently installed in the 28 building, and features an open courtyard. This design would be more expensive than the first option.

The third option will feature an enclosed courtyard with a two-story addition that hangs over the courtyard. This design would also allow for a unified office area which would house the front and counseling offices. Committee members did express safety concerns about the amount of glass featured in this design, as well as the boxed in nature of the courtyard in the case of an emergency.

Changes are not finalized, and the design options could potentially morphe to become a hybrid of two plans. For those that could not attend the meeting, a slide show is available on the district website. Assistant superintendent Brigette Muse can be contacted with questions or comments.
Gavin • Mar 7, 2018 at 11:46 am
The second option is safer because of the open courtyard. It also shows off the courtyard and old building which is a historical part of the building and ties everyone closer to the school and its history.