Student Advisory Council debates cell phone usage, advising, and enrichment

When cellphones become a problem and advising and enrichment are in question the students and staff are the the best ones for feedback and solutions. During the latest Student Advisory Council (SAC) meeting, held Jan. 31, the main topics of discussion were cell phone usage and a new advising/enrichment schedule, which will affect next year.

Jay Tapia, EHS principal, said he is concerned that cell phones are not being used correctly in the classroom and that they are becoming a distraction to the learning of the students. Kendra Hixon said, “I think that the texting has gotten worse this year; I don’t know why.” The teachers have noticed cell phone usage has become a problem in class and that it has affected student learning. Tapia is considering how the school should deal with the problem. Possible solutions to the problem are teachers taking phones before class or phones having to stay in students’ backpacks. EHS teacher, Shelley Tregoning, said when she takes students’ phones that, “They don’t worry about it all class.”

Advising and enrichment are in question, as well as how the students could benefit from advising the most. Next year advising and enrichment is set to be split up in the week to advising twice and enrichment twice in a week. Two days of advising a week would allow advisors to do more with their advisees and to get more done. Marcy Sanger, EHS counselor, said, “Advising could give us the opportunity to expand on those [advisor and peer] relationships.” After first semester of freshman year, students begin to spend less time in their advising classes and aren’t able to expand on the ideas presented in that first semester.

Students and staff on the council are encouraged to talk to other students and staff in order to represent the school on current issues. Students are encouraged to reach out to the student advisory council or the staff members that serve on it to give feedback.

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