Community and school rally to assist young women facing new challenges
Like everyone else, Arli Luna goes to school, does her homework, and hangs out with friends. But unlike the majority of students, this EHS freshman is fighting a private battle of her own. Arli has been fighting brain cancer for 2 months and has been attending the Children’s Hospital in Denver to receive her infusion of a slow-working cure known as chemo radiation twice a month since her diagnosis in September.
The Eaton community immediately rallied to assist Arli and her family and many fundraisers have taken place to help with the great e x p e n s e of chemotherapy and other medical bills. Arli said, “A lot of people have been supporting me, especially at games.” One of these supporters was the Eaton Fire Department that donated a check, and over the fall sport season,
Eaton volleyball and football teams both held fundraisers to get the community involved in raising money for Arli. This year’s annual, Kills for a Cure fundraiser, hosted by Eaton volleyball, was dedicated to Arli as they donated all their proceeds to her family, while football passed a boot around the bleachers for the community to not only support the Reds on their home field, but also Arli with her fight against brain cancer. Arli said, “I didn’t think a lot of people would of been there for me. I didn’t think a lot of people would donate money to me, but we did get a lot from the fundraisers.” Arli’s cause was not forgotten as it was picked up at the lower grades as well. Gunner Clary, a fifth grader at Benjamin Eaton Elementary school, hosted his second annual Thanks for Giving 5k Run, to encourage the community to get involved and donate to her cause.
EHS Principal Jay Tapia said,”It [the money raised] is a drop in a bucket considering how much her treatments are going to cost. And hopefully we can continue to raise some more for her, but I know her family is very grateful for what was donated from the school, and all the other sponsors that donated. It was a nice check to give them.” Arli’s family has not had it easy in the past couple of years. Her mother suffered a stroke in the past year and still in the need of medication, while her father is only receiving part of his paycheck after a broken leg injury he suffered at work.Although Arli has been going through a challenging time in her life, she has not let cancer bring her down. “I got upset about it,” Arli said, “But I didn’t let that get into my life and ruin it just because I got diagnosed with cancer.” Arli has been living her life at the fullest not letting cancer get in her way.
She had brain surgery in September to remove the tumour that was growing in her brain. She now has been receiving a six-cycle treatment of chemotherapy. One cycle includes three days of oral chemo and two monthly infusions of chemo. “She has been a trooper,” Tapia said,” I thought she would miss some school because chemotherapy is not an easy experience to go through, but she has handled it really well so far. I know it will probably get tougher as she goes into the next rounds.” In attempt to terminate the cancer, Arli has to take six rounds of chemotherapy to stop the cancer growing in her brain. So far she has only gone through the third cycle of chemo.
Arli Luna is going through one of the most difficult times in her life, but she has managed to keep a smile on her face through it all. She has handled cancer very well, as she walks the halls of Eaton High School. Many people have only donated a couple bucks to her cause, but letters of encouragement can be written and delivered to her at the front office, to give her a word of advice, a laugh, or words of encouragement as she fights her battle against cancer.