Presidential candidate visits Budweiser Event Center in Loveland
By Jayce Parrish
When the doors opened at 3 p.m., the line to see Donald Trump already stretched from the Budweiser Event Center back to the farthest end of the parameter. Trump, who is attempting to win Colorado–a battleground state–visited Northern Colorado Monday, Oct. 3 for a private political rally hosted by Trump for his followers. Thousands of supporters, many dressed in Trump paraphernalia and exchanging opinions on Trump, waited for him to speak at 6 p.m. The rally opened with a prayer and included speakers like former Denver Broncos head coach, Mike Shanahan, and retired Lieutenant General, Michael Flynn.

The crowd went wild when Trump congratulated the Denver Broncos for their undefeated beginning of the football season. The crowd also cheered when Trump said, “Look at how happy that baby is,” and told the father to hold up his child for the crowd to see. The infant reacted with an overjoyed grin and kicks. Trump also thanked the fire marshals who helped make the record attendance safe. Protesters were placed outside of the arena in a designated area and informed where to go by overhead announcements. Only at one point, was the rally interrupted by a protester who was easily located and removed by security as the crowd chanted, “Trump, Trump, Trump!”
Trump mentioned one of his most famous plans to build a wall between Mexico and the United States, saying his reasons are to prevent illegal immigration, to lower crime rates, and to stop drug smuggling into the United States. He outlined his plans to lower taxes in the country, but to also put a 35 percent import tax on businesses bringing goods into the country.
With the Presidential Election right around the corner on Tuesday, Nov. 8, Trump reminded attendees to send in their ballots on time. Trump assured the audience that he was glad he had spent so much time traveling to speak to different places. “I could be enjoying my retirement with all the fruits of my life,” The Republican Presidential Candidate said. “But I am doing this for America and for all of you.”
Almost everything Trump highlighted in his rally was followed by chanting and applause. The audience consisted of a variety of ages, genders and ethnicities. At one point Trump referenced Latinos who responded with cheers and chants of “we love you Donald!”
The attendance of the rally exemplified the large number of citizens in Northern Colorado who support Donald Trump. When asked why they were there many supporters replied with, “To Make America Great Again!”
The Vice Presidential Debate was on Tuesday, Oct. 4, where Mike Pence and Tim Kaine faced off for their Presidential candidate’s beliefs. Stay tuned for next week’s Presidential Election article for highlights of the second Presidential debate, scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 9.