Previously scheduled carnival day amended because of Greeley clowns
By Jayce Parrish

Principal, Mark Naill, made an announcement Tuesday, Sept. 27, asking students to not come to the high school dressed as a clown for carnival day on Thursday. Though this may upset some people’s plans for spirit week, it is meant to ensure the safety of students and staff Naill said.
The story behind this announcement may worsen people’s fears of clowns, as clown threats hit social media, making Greeley the latest clown terrorism target on Monday, Sept. 26. Clowns have been terrorizing places across the United States since Oct. 14, 2014, like in South Carolina when clowns attempted to lure children into the woods. Greeley is now included in this odd terrorism.
According to the Greeley Tribune, threats of school shootings from clowns were issued via social media to Northridge High School and Franklin Middle School, part of the Greeley-Evans School District 6. Island Grove Park were threatened to receive shootings from clowns the night of Halloween. Immediate reactions of these claims sent these threats viral over social media like Facebook.
People have been targeted on social media by clowns as they receive messages from clowns claiming that they know where they live. One of these clowns was traced back to a 15 year old boy of Greeley. Greeley-Evans School District 6 is taking precautions for their students by locking doors all day on Tuesday, Sept. 27.
Eaton police officer, Susan Daigle, commented on these threats saying, “It’s not a concern to Eaton. It has been deemed a hoax as a fifteen year old boy was thought to have started this by the Greeley Police Department.” Daigle said the person behind the clown masks “is most likely students joining in on the trend with Halloween coming soon, but we aren’t back in the day. Things must be taken seriously and investigated.” Officer Daigle’s comments suggest that students of Eaton High School should not be afraid in the upcoming days as the threats are believed to be a hoax. The Eaton Red Ink is looking further into this story.