The Eaton School Board stood up and created the Performance Improvement Plan ‘in the name of the kids’ then hypocritically turned around and showed children that attacking an employee is acceptable over social media. The law was broken in regards to the Sunshine Act with the violation of discussion of public business not being open to the public at all times, due to backhanded emails between school board members and Dr. Randy Miller. Not only was the law broken, which should result in the dismissal of the school board, but a message was given that a human being should not make error and learn from mistakes. When a problem is created children were shown to not confront and fix the problem directly with the other person, but instead attack them behind their back. I write today to express a disappointment in the town that I have been proud to call my families’ home. This town has been plagued with the unprofessionalism conducted by the School board. The repercussions fall on the students. Through the actions of the adults, the students in which we were fighting to protect, have been caught in the crossfire. When will my community realize that attacking one another only disgraces the reputation of our prideful town across Colorado.
When the broadcasted School Board meeting publicized the segregation of Eaton I choked up at the visual. Mothers hated one another and the ease in which the people I have looked up to in my small town could chime in hate towards one another was petrifying. I may not speak from the experience of a baseball player under Jim and Kirk Danley, but I am a multiple sport athlete. If the school board is open to attacking the principles of one coach why haven’t other sports been given the same rules. There needs to be transparency with every coach and employee in the Eaton district. When a similar incident to the one of Jim Danley forced my Varsity coach of 21 years, Mr. Armstrong, out of the program he loved and nourished I asked myself where Mr. Longwell was. I pondered why Mr. Longwell had not given a review on my coach in years, just like Jim Danley, and with ease was able to push out my head coach and the four others. When my tennis team suffered from not having a coach a week before Regionals I wondered if that was for the kids. The answer is simply no. Lingering underneath all the fighting is a toxin. This toxin hides the truth, which is that no student has benefited from the media and policies this school board has brought on the town. When will we learn to match opinion with respect, justice with restraint, and growth with boundaries.