Manny Pinkstaff
The Eaton wrestling team is practicing away. The team is practicing every day at 4:00 after school. The Varsity and Junior varsity’s first tournament is Sat, December 6, 9am – 6pm at Akron. Some wrestlers that are at the top of their game are, Garrett Coalson, Jace Casseday, and Tanner Lewis.Garrett Coalson says his biggest challenge in wrestling is pushing through the pain and having mental toughness. But besides that Garrett says he likes to see how far he can push himself . Jace said his challenge is to get in his wrestling weight range. So, Casseday says” I love to set goals and accomplish them, especially in practice.”Tanner Lewis, like Casseday, also said his biggest challenge is to maintain his weight. Lewis likes the competition in wrestling.”I like how it is just you out on the mat and all the weight is on your shoulders” Lewis said. All three of these wrestlers get prepared by having a good diet, and doing lots of conditioning such as running. Roy True,the head coach of this team,said he is very confident in his team. ,”They all work hard and are very dedicated,” True said. He was inspired to be a coach from his high school wrestling experience. He said that he had a “good solid coach.”Also, his best friend wrestled for Western State and gave him a lot of inspiration. Trues passion is to coach wrestling.So, his team means a lot to him. “ They mean to me a lot because they all contribute good work and that gets us one step closer to the team title.” Roy believes that they are all skilled individuals that can be very successful. Overall the team feels prepared and ready for whatever comes their way.