By: Manny Pinkstaff
Rehearsals are under way for It’s a Wonderful Life, and actors say they are ready to go. Kendra Hixon directs the talented actors that make up the play. Hixon is working hard on getting the actors ready for the play that goes from November 20 through the 22. I asked Hixon if she is nervous and she says, “Not as much as I have for previous plays, but yes I think if you are not nervous then that’s a problem.” Hixon directed one play while in highschool, and then one in college, and then once she graduated college she got the job at Eaton High School and has been directing here since 2005. Sam Ogden is an actor in “Its a wonderful life”. He says the most important thing the play teaches is the importance of the community. His role is the narrator and the superintendent of the angels. His biggest challenge in the play is dealing with people who don’t want to work. He said “It holds me back from learning.” Sam prepares by just reading the lines over and over until they are locked into his brain.Houston Clevenger is another actor in the play. He loves being involved in acting. They have almost random practices. Whenever they have free time they spend it in the theater rehearsing their lines. They all feel pretty nervous about the play but overall they feel prepared.This dramatic play not only celebrates the faith of the season, it also celebrates the American philosophy of life such as, hard work, fair play and the love and support of one’s family and the community.