When it comes to Eaton High School there is always a new surprise every day, even when sometimes the surprise is not a good one. Andy Polland, Vice Principal of Eaton High School wants to help EHS with it’s harassment issues and he has much to say about Title IX.
Poland said, “It’s very wide-ranging as far as what it covers like when we were doing the presentations to the school we talked about athletics but the gist of it is if an entity of an organization is receiving federal funding so money from the government they are required to hear to it and its whole goal is to prevent discrimination and harassment based on protected classes, which is race, ethnicity, religion, sex, all those things.”
Title IX is a new way to help students be capable of not doing anything that involves harassment. It can be up to so many things that students can get into trouble doing. We can’t prevent Title IX from happening but we can hope more students will feel comfortable talking to someone about something deeply wrong.
Poland said, “I think it’s always going to go down to the individual if it’s all kinda on how we act day to day because I know a lot of people are kind of freaking out about it and it’s becoming this whole big thing but, if you’re treating those around you with respect and your knowing the time and place and not having inappropriate conversations that might impact those around you, you in 100% honesty have nothing to worry about.”
Staff members hope that students come to them when they need them for harassment, Staff members aren’t going to hear everything that happens but the harassment needs to just stop.
Poland said, “This year, so actual reports you know coming from a claimit I wanna say it’s been three of those that are like ‘Hey I’m reporting a violation’ In conjunction with those three reports I’ve probably had another five reports that weren’t necessarily being reported as Title IX that have been considered as Title IX and have gone to Title IX.”
Title IX is unacceptable for students who think it is okay to harass somebody. Students should know that school is not the time to be hurting someone else. School is supposed to be for learning and having an education, not students being uncomfortable with
the kids that they will walk around with for four years.