Vape detectors have been installed in the bathrooms at Eaton High School with the start of the school year. Vaping has been a big problem in past years and this could finally be the solution. Michael Brisendine, the campus monitor at EHS said, “They’ve been a thought for about a year now… for the most part I think they are a deterrent.”
Vape detectors work by detecting the presence of chemicals that are released into the air when vaping occurs. After the detectors are alerted, they send a message to the office and the issue can then be resolved. Resolving the issue can consist of in school suspension, out of school suspension, or police involvement. Alex Shaw, a senior at EHS said, “I think they are a good addition… it’s not fun to walk into the bathroom to a bunch of kids vaping.”
As time goes on, the problem with students vaping only gets worse. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly 2.1 million students use e-cigarettes, and this includes 550,000 middle school students. Brody Niswender, a senior at EHS said, “Vaping has become more accessible and popular to the younger generations. Many people are giving into peer pressure as well.”
Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical and the exposure to it during adolescence can harm the development of the brain. Nicotine at a young age can disrupt a student’s academic performance and overall health. Vaping as a teenager increases the risk of respiratory issues, and encourages the use of other harmful substances. Micheal Brisendine said, “I don’t know if it will stop them from vaping… maybe it’s that first step in helping them get that help that they need.”
“I think the amount of students vaping will lessen, but they will still find a way to vape,” said Shaw (25). Many students will get caught and face consequences, and others could find ways around them and face no repercussions. Some studies show that the slightest change in the air could set off a vape detector. Students could get falsely accused of vaping by putting on perfume or body deodorant while in the bathroom. Vape detectors could be the solution to students vaping but there are many flaws that need to be considered as well.