The stress is real
Finals week begins

Preparing for a new semester brings a week of dread: finals week. A week full of studying hard, finishing and presenting projects, taking tests, and worrying about results. The stress of this week brings a lot of emotions for students. This year especially, with having finals after winter break, the stress is even more difficult.
Seniors are the most experienced in taking finals. However, the experience doesn’t make the situation any less stressful. Jaeli Lewis (23) said, “Finals are stressful for everyone, but this year they are exceptionally worse because of their timing in the school year.”
In a typical school year, semester one finals would be taken the week going into winter break, but for EHS, this isn’t a typical year. Starting the school year right after Labor Day pushed the semester schedule back. This meant not only shorter breaks, but finals week being after winter break. Lewis said, “Finals is a dreaded time of the semester for everybody. It is only made worse by getting it delayed until after winter break. Waiting until after the break to have the finals has only increased stress for them. We have been given a two-week “break” before we have to quickly jump back into lessons, finish up chapters, and take tests. Our winter breaks were filled with stress about finals and homework.”
Stress can lead to an overwhelming amount of emotions. Crazy amounts of studying, homework, test taking, and worrying about final grades for the semester can bring on these emotions. These emotions are okay to feel and are normal. Kallie (24) said, “I’ve cried several times already, and I’m ready for finals to be over with.”
Not only having finals after winter break for the first time, but EHS will also have a true final schedule. All finals will be held from the 11th through the 13th. The 11th and 12th comprise three class periods, along with advising at the end of the day, followed by the teacher’s office hours. On the 13th, the day will begin with “Revere the Red,” followed by the student’s two remaining class periods, and the teacher’s office hours.
Each teacher is required to hold a final for each of their classes. This looks different for every class, however, for most, it looks like a test. For others, it may look like a project.
Finals week is very stressful even for the most experienced. The timing of this school year doesn’t make it any easier. Know that it is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed by the work and that others feel that way as well.