Jared McCormack (22) plans to attend the University of Texas to study finance after graduation. In school, Jared is a Link Leader, in the National Honor Society, and plays baseball. Outside of school, he works at the Eaton Rec Center.
McCormack exemplifies the first letter of the Eaton acronym, ‘Excellence’. McCormack said, “Excellence is always working and doing your best no matter who is watching. When you strive for excellence, you can be proud of what you put out there.” Link Leaders teach the Eaton acronym to their freshman, to McCormack excellence is most important.
“The most important thing to me as a leader in the school is acceptance. Being accepting is being an excellent leader. Everyone should feel welcomed at the school. Even if I completely disagree with them, it is important that they feel like Eaton is their home,” said McCormack. He embraces interests that belong to all students and encourages his peers. McCormack said, “I hope to leave a legacy of having fun. Life is fun and should be enjoyed all the time and I hope I leave behind that legacy of making everything fun.”