Constructing A New Environment
Construction causing challenges for students and staff

Due to the renovation of the Eaton High School, many classrooms are unfinished in the 2021-2022 school year. The old homes of many EHS teachers are under construction, so several teachers have had to make do with a new room for as little as a semester. This, for a lot of them, is a big change.
Being uncomfortable with the environment can not only cause problems for the teachers, but it can also cause troubles for the students as well. If people are comfortable with their environment, it makes it easier for them to learn, and for teachers to do their job. A whole new teaching environment is hard to get used to, and some teachers aren’t very happy about it.
Not only does working in the new classroom change the environment, but there was a lot of extra work that the teachers had to do. Many of the teachers had to go and find the supplies that they packed up from their old classrooms. They also had their stuff moved around and some didn’t even know where to find it.
Eaton High School science teacher Molly Maguire said, “It was just another thing that we had to do.” This could apply to many things this year. Many of the teachers have project on top of project that they have to do on top of teaching the students. Not only unpacking their rooms, but dealing with having to pack them back up in as little as 18 weeks.
This hassle, however, will pay off when the Eaton High School students and staff are moved to the new high school that is being constructed. The new high school is supposed to be done by the school year of 2022-2023. Choir teacher Christina Contreras said, “I’m just glad we’re back and I can see everybody’s faces.” There are many good things happening this year, and the construction is hardly in the way.